At SMS we believe that, in order to deliver the best possible result for all parties, preparation and follow through is critical. In fact, the actual mediation session is only one part of the process and Jeremy is engaged with his clients throughout. (learn more)
As advocates we focus on developing and arguing the strongest possible case for our clients. One of the challenges lawyers often encounter, however, particularly after advocating for a client over an extended period of time, is the risk of developing tunnel vision. For such situations, Jeremy offers an opportunity for lawyers to benefit from his expert and highly confidential objective second opinion. (learn more)
In developing case strategy for personal injury and insurance litigation trials, lawyers interpret evidence from their trained, legal perspective, which is different from that of a layperson. Lawyers can often craft an even stronger case strategy, though, by acquiring a deeper understanding of the reactions of potential jurors to the various elements of their strategy through qualitative research. Jeremy’s comprehensive Case Strategy Optimization Service helps lawyers arrive at a case strategy that puts their client in the best possible position for success. (learn more)